
Cognition is a broad concept and includes learning.
Learning as a reflective-transformative activity is carried out according to the laws of human cognition, concretized depending on the subject of cognition and the individual characteristics of the person.

The process of learning is an act of interaction of different elements, during which there is a transfer and assimilation of social experience.

Four main stages are distinguished:

  1. Perception of the material to be mastered.
  2. comprehension of the material, the formation of concepts.
  3. Consolidation and improvement of knowledge, formation of abilities and skills.
  4. Putting the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities into practice.

First stage
Perception is a mental process that involves reflection of reality objects and phenomena in the mind of a person in a set of their various properties, parts, is associated with an understanding of the integrity of the reflected.
Perception includes not only the data of direct sensations, but also past experience, which is usually richer than the immediate sensations.
Therefore, one of the tasks of training is to activate existing knowledge, to connect it to the newly studied educational material. This contributes to learning new things, connecting to the perception of life observations and feelings of students; develops the ability to highlight the main and essential; intensifies efforts in the study of the studied problems.
Understanding is a thinking process, aimed at identifying the essential properties of objects and phenomena of reality. Understanding is carried out by establishing connections between the already known and unknown, phenomena and processes, by awareness of the causes and consequences of the development of the studied objects.

The second stage
Comprehension is followed by reflection, which enriches the learning (it becomes more complete, deep, and versatile); develops attitudes toward the learning, confidence in the validity of certain conclusions, the accuracy of information, and the ability to defend your own opinion. For effective comprehension a variety of methods of mental activity are used: comparison, comparison, highlighting the main and essential, generalization, etc. At this stage concepts are formed, the essence of the studied subjects and phenomena is revealed, there is a generalization of knowledge as a peculiar result of learning and cognitive activity.